martes, 1 de noviembre de 2016

Soy Karla

Hi, I’m Karla Alejandre and I’m 26 years old. At the moment I am serving in
Salamanca, Spain, at En Vivo. En Vivo forms part of an international non-profit
missions organisation called Globalscope, which has 11 plants around the world

Bangkok, Thailand
Santiago, Chile
Birmingham, England
Nottingham, England
Tübingen, Germany
Puebla, Mexico
Edinburgh, Scotland
Salamanca, Spain
Valencia, Spain
Montevideo, Uruguay

The Globalscope program is designed to transform the lives of university
students around the world through mentorship, creating authentic and relevant
relationships which demonstrate the love of God. People who want to invest
their lives in connecting this generation with God serve as part of Globalscope as
ministers in the universities of these cities. A dynamic Christian community (or
“campus ministry”) is set up at each Globalscope university campus in order to
reach the wider student population.

Campus ministries share the message of love and hope through activities in
campus houses like En Vivo, with projects that reach the surrounding
community and one-on- one relationships which focus on students. These
campus houses are places where everyone can have fun, eat good food and enjoy
friendship. In this way they can see first-hand the love of the Living God in its
genuine expression.

Being part of Globalscope has been one of the most incredible and blessed
experiences, accompanied with a huge learning curve for me. I have been able to
see how I can be used as an instrument for God in the lives of students and how I
can have a positive influence on other people’s lives; such that I feel called to
serve Globalscope for an extra year. Don’t be surprised if I decide to stay on for
longer than that either!
For stories of En Vivo’s work in Salamanca, watch this video:

The students in the video and many others feel that En Vivo is their second
home; a family full of love and grace where they are not judged.
Globalscope is making a difference in many universities and I invite you to be a
part of this, to be a part of changing the world.

I’d love if you would consider joining my support team, an important part of my
work in Spain so that I can continue being part of such transformative work in
the student community in Salamanca. One of the ways in which you can support
me is by giving monthly or as a one-off payment. With Globalscope being a non-
profit organisation, we don’t receive a salary for the work we do, and by
contributing financially you will be able to play a part in what God is doing in

It is for this work that I need your help to raise enough money to continue
serving in Salamanca. I need to raise a total of €1000 per month

You can donate by clicking on the following link Donate. This will take you to a
page where there’s a bit of my story and a button which says “give”. This is the
page for donations, where you decide how much you want to give and how often.
If this is not the easiest way for you to donate, 

By Check: 
Fill out your information on the back, tear off the bottom portion, and make check payable and mail to: CMF International, PO Box 501020 Indianapolis, IN 46250

Most of all, I need your prayers while I’m in the process of raising support – it’s
not an easy job!

My email is

I’m reachable by either of those addresses.
Thank you in advance and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Karla Alejandre


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